Cleburne has:
• a robust workforce
• necessary infrastructure
• a supportive community
Set the foundation for your business venture by coordinating a site tour with the Cleburne Economic Development Foundation (CEDF). Witness the strategic advantages, infrastructure, and the welcoming community that Cleburne proudly presents to prospective businesses.
Once all the prerequisites are met, it’s time to officially establish your business in Cleburne. As you set up, know that the CEDF and the Cleburne community are here to support and welcome you. We believe in collaborative growth and are excited to see your business flourish in our city.
Our primary resources, including existing businesses and manufacturers considering expansion, play a crucial role in bringing new businesses to Cleburne. Once businesses express interest, CEDF takes the lead in land development, developable landowners and collaborates with utility service providers to ensure that the business’s needs are met.